I am not only a more effective, strategic leader, and businessman, but I also have a better relationship with my wife, children, colleagues, and most importantly, myself.
Adam Simms
Co-Owner/President, Price-Simms Auto Group
Mark challenged my convictions and beliefs that I held about myself which allowed me to grow beyond the insecurities and inadequacies I believed about myself that were hampering my professional and personal growth.
Milan Kucerak
President & CEO, Landus Cooperative
Seven senior leaders on our leadership team have completed Mark’s program, and the results have been consistent, and transformative. Mark’s program has accelerated the process of our leadership team coming together and expanded our capacity to solve organizational challenges as a united and cohesive team that supports each other.
Keith Hesterberg
President and CEO, Fresno Madera Farm Credit
The lessons I have learned from Mark’s coaching in the past six months were greater than what I have learned from life itself in the past 54 years. Through Mark’s coaching I have learned the techniques of becoming more patient, effective, kind, and compassionate.
Ramin Naimi
General Manager, McLaren San Francisco
Before the program, I was unaware that I was negatively impacting others with my behaviors. Mark’s unique, individualized, engaging and highly-effective coaching assisted me to access my true self. The program is beyond theory. It is actionable and experiential. As a result, I now have better relationships at home and with work colleagues of all levels. How do I know? My peers now stop by my office more often, not only to discuss business matters, but just to catch up.
Michael Crowl
Chief Financial Officer, University Federal Credit Union
My coaching partnership with Mark Wright is the single most impactful and valuable program I have ever participated in. Mark’s gifted ability to understand human nature is a rare and amazing talent. He was able to dig into my heart and soul and show me that I was not living up to my potential. He challenged me to change my old, unproductive behaviors using a combination of coaching, theory and real life experiences. He has given me the tools to continue learning and growing.
Rob Geis
Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Pacific Ag Management Inc.
My work with Mark changed my life significantly. I now have a desire to fulfill my life’s purpose by serving others in a way I have never realized in the past. The most important thing I learned is that change must start in me. I now know that who I am being is more important than what I am doing. I also learned I cannot control all things that happen in life; however, I can control how I react to each situation. I recognize that what I thought was going to be a six-month program is now a life-long commitment, and this change of thought was initiated by Mark believing in me.
Sarah Rachels
Vice President, Human Resources Manager, Carolina Farm Credit
My journey with Mark Wright was a very personalized journey from emotional and spiritual blindness into fundamental self-awareness. I found out very quickly that my mindset and template for achievement was also was one for disaster, specifically with regard to the blind spots that I wasn’t aware of. Through graciousness and intention, I learned to build trusting relationships, take personal responsibility for my actions, and build safe avenues of communication for those I lead. The most powerful lesson I learned was to be authentic continually and to let down my ego. I have foundational tools today, and I am on a lifelong journey.
James A. Fielder
Vice President Information Systems, Farm Credit Illinois
Life is precious and cannot be replaced and Mark’s program gave me the tools to get out of the rat race, stop trying to prove my existence through work projects, and learn to be an effective leader by focusing on building, nurturing and fostering the relationships I had been given in both my personal and professional life.
Jamie Taulbee
Vice President of Marketing & Corporate Communications, Meritrust Credit Union
An engaging and life-altering journey of self-exploration. I have significantly raised my level of awareness of myself and others. I was able to acquire a significant level of additional insight into my leadership skills and the efforts necessary to be an extraordinary leader. I can say without a doubt that this is the single most valuable leadership development program I have ever participated in.
Richard Rausser
Senior Vice President, Pentegra Retirement Services, NY
The value and benefits from this program goes beyond monetary terms. It changed my life and my family’s life and has brought a balance and peace that I find in every minute of the day.
Stephanie Balmer
President, Chief Operating Officer, Industrial Training Services
Contact Mark today to discuss a coaching partnership to transform your life.