A prolific reader, Mark has studied many different religions, philosophers, psychologists and other personal growth thinkers. Below are some books he highly recommends for the Executive Leadership Coaching Program.
- Fearless Leadership by Loretta Malandro
- Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni
- Integrity: Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason by Barbara Killinger
- Leadership and Self Deception by Arbinger Institute
- Leadership Wisdom from the Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma
- Strength in the Storm by Eknath Easwaran
- The Anatomy of Peace by Arbinger Institute
- The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
- The Rhythm of Life-Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose by Matthew Kelly
- The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey
Here you will find tools to guide you in your journey of self-discovery.
See below for Articles by Mark
Power of Committment
Integrity requires Commitment.
Commitment is about your word being congruent with your action. This requires a high degree of personal discipline.
It is the driving force, the catalyst that propels you forward to live into and manage the integrity of your word and follow through on your actions into the future.
Authentic Leadership
Authentic leadership requires a high level of self-awareness, self-knowledge, compassion, empathy and understanding. Authentic leaders serve others with the highest degree of integrity and vision. They do not demand compliance and respect; rather, they demonstrate it. They give recognition and acknowledge the skills, talents and contributions of others.
Profound Integrity
It is through true integrity that a promise is transformed into reality. It occurs when an individual does exactly what he says he is going to do, precisely at the time he says he is going to do it. It is an exact manifestation of a prearranged agreement no matter how important or trivial. Therefore, integrity can best be described as a unity of thoughts, words and actions.
The Path to a Purposeful Life is Paved with Conscious Intentions
Parents, teachers, and even the media played dominant roles in shaping your personality, then set you on your journey to adulthood.
An education? Check. A successful career? Check. A tranquil and supportive relationship? Check. Precocious children? Check. A voice inside your head or a void in your heart persistently whispering, “Something’s missing.” Check.
Reinventing Your Life One Belief at a Time
You can attribute the life you are currently living to every thought, word, action, belief and decision you have made up until this very moment. How you see yourself and how others see you is directly connected to your core belief system- your beliefs about yourself, of others and your positive or negative reaction to life’s daily ups and downs. These beliefs largely determine your relationships with associates, the personal company you keep and your opinion of the life events you have experienced so far.
Contact Mark today to discuss a coaching partnership to transform your life.